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Diabetes Nonprofit Awards More than $100K in College Scholarships

Post-secondary education is now more accessible for 24 graduating high school students from across the U.S. who live with type 1 diabetes. The students have been awarded scholarships of up to $5,000 from Diabetes Scholars, a program of nonprofit organization Beyond Type 1. Diabetes Scholars has provided more than $2 million in scholarship money since 2008.

Poll: Americans See Benefit of Medtech in Diabetes Management

A new national poll conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of AdvaMed, the medtech association, found that an overwhelming number of Americans believe medical technology plays a significant role in treating and improving the health and wellbeing of those living with diabetes, but those diagnosed with the disease struggle to manage their condition. The poll also found broad, bipartisan support for government investment in researching treatments and cures for diabetes.

American Liver Foundation Elects New Chair of the Board

During its quarterly meeting, the national board of directors for the American Liver Foundation (ALF) announced the election of a new board chair, Emmanuel Thomas, MD, PhD, FAASLD, Associate Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Dr. Thomas replaces outgoing chair, Daniel Weil of Highwood, Illinois who has served for the past three years. ALF board chairs serve three consecutive one-year terms.

ADA Annual Report Highlights Ongoing Diabetes Research

The American Diabetes Association® (ADA) released its 2022 Annual Research Report, which provides background and updates on 200 grants awarded to fund critical research in new treatments and cures for diabetes, precision medicine, and new methods for addressing the health inequities that lead to higher prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes.

Eating Almonds Before Meals Improves Glucose Levels in Some People With Prediabetes

Two new research studies with almonds, one conducted over three days and the other over three months, demonstrated benefits to blood sugar control for Asian Indians with prediabetes and overweight/obesity – and the three-month almond intervention broke new ground, reversing prediabetes, or glucose intolerance, to normal blood sugar levels in nearly one quarter (23.3%) of the people studied.

Stowers Scientists Use Cavefish to Learn More About Metabolism

Stay-at-home orders issued at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic ushered the hoarding of food and surges in digital entertainment subscriptions and restaurant take-out and delivery services—a perfect storm for a collective couch potato phenomenon. Now, researchers have discovered what prolonged physical inactivity may mean for humans many thousands of years down the road by studying cavefish.

Study: 1 in 2 Americans Want More Energy Over Sleep

1440 Foods, a sports and active nutrition company on a mission to energize people and unleash their potential, today released the findings of a study showing that while Americans are prioritizing diet and fitness in the new year, what they really want is more energy. In fact, more than half (51%) of respondents said they'd opt for more energy over more sleep or more sex if given the choice.

National Kidney Foundation Journal Changes Name to Advances in Kidney Disease and Health

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) announced a new name for its bimonthly journal, Advances in Kidney Disease and Health (AKDH). Formerly known as Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease, the previous title fit the focus of the journal at that time and included topics related to chronic kidney disease (CKD) or kidney failure.

Clarivate Identifies Potential Blockbuster Drugs in Annual 'Drugs to Watch' Report

Clarivate Plc, a global leader in providing trusted information and insights to accelerate the pace of innovation, announced the release of its annual Drugs to Watch™ report. In its 10th year, the Drugs to Watch report provides in-depth predictive analysis of drugs with the potential to transform treatment paradigms and serve unmet patient needs.

The report serves as a key industry resource in an ever-evolving drug innovation landscape - with more than 70 drugs having been identified as Drugs to Watch.

ADA Welcomes New Board Members, Principal Officers

The American Diabetes Association® (ADA) welcomes the 2023 Principal Officers and Board of Directors. The 13-member board is comprised of forward-thinking, innovative medical, scientific, education, and executive business professionals, who will strategically lead and focus efforts to ensure the ADA continues to uphold the mission upon which it was founded.

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