Diabetes Nonprofit Awards More than $100K in College Scholarships | Diabetes Direct Skip to main content
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Diabetes Nonprofit Awards More than $100K in College Scholarships

Post-secondary education is now more accessible for 24 graduating high school students from across the U.S. who live with type 1 diabetes. The students have been awarded scholarships of up to $5,000 from Diabetes Scholars, a program of nonprofit organization Beyond Type 1. Diabetes Scholars has provided more than $2 million in scholarship money since 2008.

Studies show that earning a college degree increases the likelihood of better health and reduces the risk of premature death. This year, Beyond Type 1 received double the number of applicants for the 2023 Diabetes Scholars awards compared to the previous year, illuminating the increasing urgency to support students living with type 1 diabetes. With an increased focus on further supporting vulnerable communities, Beyond Type 1 dedicated half of this year's awards to students based on necessity.

"Pursuing post-secondary education is no small or inexpensive feat, especially if you are a student living with a chronic illness like type 1 diabetes," said Beyond Type 1's Senior Vice President of Programs, Advocacy and Health Equity Kristian Hurley. "Between the rising cost of tuition, class materials, and the general cost of living and affording the day-to-day management of their disease, programs like Diabetes Scholars are pertinent to students weighing the cost of their education. We are incredibly proud to offer resources to this talented and deserving class of grads, and the many alumni before them."

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In addition to these scholarships, Beyond Type 1 offers a variety of resources and educational content to help students prepare for life in college and a community of support to guide them through this transition and beyond.

"Every year, our team is honored to hear from thousands of applicants, each of whom shares their journeys of strength, compassion and determination," said Beyond Type 1 CEO Deborah Dugan. "Among this year's Diabetes Scholars class are our future doctors, nurses, policymakers, educators, pilots, athletes and more. It's with immense gratitude that I thank our generous donors that enabled us to grant a total of $100,000 to these future leaders."

Scholarships are made possible by individual and corporate donors, including Lilly, embecta and Type 1 Willpower who are committed to supporting the path to higher education and students living with type 1 diabetes. For individuals looking to support programs like Diabetes Scholars, please consider making a contribution here.

To learn more about Diabetes Scholars, visit beyondtype1.org.