Stress-Free Steps Towards Self-Care | Diabetes Direct Skip to main content
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Stress-Free Steps Towards Self-Care

Over the last few years, self-care has taken on heightened importance.

That is why Mrs. T's Pierogies is partnering with actress, entrepreneur and mom JoAnna Garcia Swisher for its "All-Star Moms" campaign to spotlight the importance of finding ways to recharge and help prioritize me-time.

Simplifying self-care can be as easy as designating a "recharging room" in the home, which offers a personal space to reset and relax. When creating your recharging room, keep these tips from Garcia Swisher in mind:


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  • Balance Beautiful with Functional: Find hosting staples like cutting boards, utensils and napkins that match the vibe of your personal space so the area can double as an entertaining space.
  • Keep it Easy to Clean: Choose furniture and decor that can handle a little mess from snacks, like Mrs. T's Mini Pierogies and your favorite dip, which are perfect for enjoying while binge-watching favorite shows.
  • Add a Personal Touch: Showcase a piece that tells a story, like a favorite embroidered pillow, piece of meaningful jewelry or framed photo of an amazing memory.
  • Bring In Something Cozy: Add cozy touches like a blanket, fluffy pillow or favorite slippers for something comfortable.
  • Make a Statement: Let your inner designer shine by taking a chance on something bold that represents a part of your personality you don't normally indulge.
  • Plan an Anchor Piece: This item is the foundation for everything, such as a vintage armchair, comfy couch or storage piece that tells a story. Choose this item first then build around it.

You can also practice self-care by practicing mindfulness. If you want inspo, check out our blog on 5 Mindfulness Activities to Practice Self-Love. Also, check out our Recipes section to nourish your body and mind with healthy (and tasty!) meals.